Yes, dear friends....those horrible cane frogs are back..... Well, honestly, I'm told by Daddy they are horrible. Frankly, I can't see them or really anything else too small because this damn hair is in my eyes...
Seriously, though these horrible creatures must be awful because whenever Daddy sees one, he grabs it and hurls it through the air somewhere.....don't know where.... Oh, nevermind...I DO see lots of dead ones in the street. They are about 3-4 inches long and quite large. (Note to my dear friends---their size is disproportionately larger when they are flattened like a pancake on the road.) Apparently, they put out this obnoxious secretion that will cause me just oodles of problems. And with my sensitive princess tummy, goodness nows what would happen to a girl like me!
I thought behavior of Daddy's was WAY overkill--literally and figuratively--until my dear new friend Crispy (a spaniel across the way) almost died the other night with seizures after he got a hold of one of these creatures from the swap. (Do we have a swamp near my house? And just WHAT is a swamp? Oh you get my drift....)
So I am vigilant....see picture above. Yes, this is me being vigilant. Of course, it looks the same as me being alert, asleep, happy, whatever......but I know I'm being vigilant.
So far, the frogs don't seem to smell or taste good to me. Granted, I've only seen the dead ones. So far the dead mouse I found and rolled in was WAY better.....Daddy LOVED that but that's another story....