Monday, January 2, 2012


Okay, dear, dear fans....Daddy has been VERY naughty.  I keep telling him that my fans are demanding, yes demanding, updates and he says "yeah, yeah yeah" (And NOT in a good Beatles song way....)

Anyway, today I absolutely stomped my foot/feet down after I had the most wonderful two days of the new year.  First, I got to go the beach and eat waves!   Here I am getting ready for the beach with my two-legged sister Sophie...

And then here is the beach we went to....
We walked up and down this gorgeous beach, on the cliffs, and back again...and I got to bark at every single wave, catch a few in my mouth and run around until I got totally pooped out (literally and figuratively for those of my fans who know what happens when dogs ingest too much salt water). I even got to rub around in horse shit!!!  And got sticks and crap ALL OVER!!!  It was a BLAST....but I was STARVING afterwards....(hmmmm....wonder why???)

Daddy of course then INSISTED on a full bath, conditioner and brushing....all that gorgeous horse ca-ca smell down the drain!  Oh well, my next day was even more of a treat....

I GOT TO SEE AND HEAR MY AUSSIE MUM!!!!  We skyped her (who cares what that is) and I got to hear that wonderful accent....I perked right up and then we saw where I was born and lived for 8 weeks.  My Mum is just so beautiful....I saw Kerry who took care of me (my Aussie nanny sort of) and Papa Rob....oh the joy, the memories....Here's how I looked after the phone call:
Can you see the sheer JOY in my eyes???  Fine, I know I know, here comes another "where are her eyes joke"  ... but it's there....

Okay, Daddy has PROMISED moi that he NOT be so derelict in posting....we'll see.....those humans!  You can't live without them but they are just such a challenge to train.....