Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"By George She's Got it...She's Really Got it!"

Okay what is it about humans that make them do the silliest things?  First they make these ridiculously happy, squealing sounds when I do "shi shi" on the lawn....A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. So what's the big deal.  But I love teasing them, walking around and watch them begin to squeal with delight only to delay the's hilarious.

And THEN--I mean they think they can dangle DELICIOUS treats in front of me and not expect me to do whatever to get them?    I mean who wouldn't "sit" for a salmon treat or a piece of REAL pork or REAL lamb?  All this Princess had to do was come and sit down for it. Then I got the treat.  Do they not know that, of course, sitting is a natural position for a Aussie-Hawaiian Princess such as Moi!  H-E-L-L-O, Princess. Throne. Sitting on the throne????

Daddy kept repeating it and repeating it.  And I'm like, Okay already I got it....Frankly, I'll even do it now without the treats.  But ooooooo I'll never tell them that.  Seriously--how much reptition do they think I need?   What do you take me for....a common mutt?  PUH-LEASE....I say them let them eat cake...I'll eat my all organic, natural, made in USA, all meat, no preservatives, no animal testing, no fake colors treat thank  you very much and will "sit" to your heart's content if that's what it takes and if that floats your boat.

Of course, now that the cat's out of the bag and they KNOW I'm smart--after all I learned this behavior when I was only at about 10 weeks!--they'll expect me to do EVERYTHING. Oh, the trials and tribulations of my world..... But I do enjoy the challenge of training humans into thinking that I am being trained...


  1. Her older nephew Shwayze says, "Glad to see you join the sitter's club."

  2. Oh Matilda what a smart little princess you are, obvious the Aussie side shining through!!! You have those humans so well trained. Keep up the good work.
    Aussie Mum

  3. Okay--let's SEE a picture of that cat sitting...I know my brother Buckwheat does it (but I've never seen it)....seeing is believing you know!

  4. Hey Matilda, Dig B here, sorry haven't caught up in a while, mum's been a bit under the weather, broncitis or something. Any way since last we spoke I've done heaps. I have had some needles, that hurt a bit, but the treat made it somewhat worthwhile and I've discovered that we have 2 cats, they come to the back door and dad sometimes feeds them, I can sit behind the glass sliding door and bark at them, they don't like that, keeps them away from the food bowl, which means sometimes I get lucky and have some extra stuff. The other day Bootz, the shitzu showed me what fun it is to chase them up the tree, you can chase them but your not allowed to catch them. They have really nasty claws. Got into trouble the other day but had a lovely time playing with my water bowl in the dining room, I am now big enough to carry it around, mum doesn't like water on the carpet apparently, got me put outside for a bit but hey great time. I still get to go to work three times a week and boy is that fun, the guys just love me and they get quite amazed at my achievement, like not going to the toilet in the workshop anymore and bringing the boss the spanner and being nice to the customers and their kids, I'm a real celeb down here. I now have to walk on this lead thingy with mum when she does the banking or goes up the street and usually someone nice holds onto me while mum goes inside, I'm only allowed in to a couple of places, have made good friends with the local butcher and he likes to give me these excellent bones, one was even bigger than me. I'm up to Perth again next week to see Elizabeth, Michael and Mathew, then I'm staying with mum's parents while she and dad go to Dowerin for a field day. Mum says dad has to leave the cheque book at home and his hands in his pockets. Apparently he has a tendency to purchase big stuff at these field days and they usually have really big price tags. Should be fun in Perth everyone has volunteered to take me to the park. Oh the other thing that I have learned is how to bring a ball back, the humans think it is sooooooo cool, but they are really silly cause they just throw it away again then I have to go get it again. Dad likes it when I bring him his slippers, he takes them 1 at a time off me and puts them up on the side board, he always says thankyou Dig B so it must be good. I am now allowed to sleep outside if I want to on the big beds, mum comes out at least three times a night just to see if I want to come in but usually I just stay on the bed, mum's worry so much but I am much bigger now and can be just like the big dogs. I's still not allowed on the back of the ute yet so I have to sit in the cab with dad, not as much fun cause I can't always see out but still I don't get left behind any more. The other day when some one came to see me they bougt this excellent stuff called Puppy Milk, dad warms it up for me and it is delicious. Mum is going to check with the vet to see if it is all right but it tastes great, right up there with pigs ears and liver treats. Any way I've waffled heaps so I best be getting outside to help mum take the washing of the line or help bring in the wood for the fire, I'll write again soon, love to you all Dig B.

  5. So sad your Mum's been under the weather....but I can see you kept the rest of the family busy! Lucky you...sleeping outside....but aren't you scared? I love to read your's nice to know "general puppy fun" runs in the family! We DOOOO keep these humans amused!
