Monday, September 5, 2011

Sleeping with my Brother...

One of my favorite things to do is to sleep with my Brother.  He gives me my food everyday, he takes me on walks.  He's just about my size so I can relate....and I really don't mind when he sometimes uses me for a pillow!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Red, White and.....PURPLE????

Okay, so help me, if I end up looking like one of those old ladies in Church with blue/purple hair, I will absolutely NEVER speak to Daddy again....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Frogs are BAAACCCKKK!!!!

Yes, dear friends....those horrible cane frogs are back.....  Well, honestly, I'm told by Daddy they are horrible.  Frankly, I can't see them or really anything else too small because this damn hair is in my eyes...

Seriously, though these horrible creatures must be awful because whenever Daddy sees one, he grabs it and hurls it through the air somewhere.....don't know where.... Oh, nevermind...I DO see lots of dead ones in the street.  They are about 3-4 inches long and quite large.  (Note to my dear friends---their size is disproportionately larger when they are flattened like a pancake on the road.)  Apparently, they put out this obnoxious secretion that will cause me just oodles of problems.  And with my sensitive princess tummy, goodness nows what would happen to a girl like me!

I thought behavior of Daddy's was WAY overkill--literally and figuratively--until my dear new friend Crispy (a spaniel across the way) almost died the other night with seizures after he got a hold of one of these creatures from the swap.  (Do we have a swamp near my house?  And just WHAT is a swamp? Oh you get my drift....)

So I am vigilant....see picture above.  Yes, this is me being vigilant.  Of course, it looks the same as me being alert, asleep, happy, whatever......but I know I'm being vigilant.

So far, the frogs don't seem to smell or taste good to me.  Granted, I've only seen the dead ones.  So far the dead mouse I found and rolled in was WAY better.....Daddy LOVED that but that's another story....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's My Birthday and I'll Cry if I Wanna.....

Happy Birthday to Moi!  The Hawaiian Princess!!   Can't believe a human year has gone by (I hear I'm SEVEN in dog years but who's counting!)  What an amazing year....born to an amazing mum, nurtured by a phenomenal Aussie Mom and Dad, sent on a huge metal noise maker (I certainly remember THAT ride) and wound up in paradise.....

Sure I've had stomach issues, countless baths, more groomings than I care to count, but I have four humans who adore me (what's not to love!) and I guess three water beds, a custom-made pen, a throne to sleep in at night, toys, a Diva bell to ring when I go out, treats, treats treats and TOYS, makes me just a little spoiled.  I don't let on about that too much.....

But it's EXHAUSTING being sooooooo wonderful!

Okay, so I'm laying on an heirloom sofa....what IS the big's my Birthday!!!  Love to my brother Dig B in Western Australia....who WAS born first anyway???  

The best part of this whole journey is that Daddy has met some new and loving friends from my native land.  Thanks Lisa for your pictures, news, check-ins and just remembering that we came from the same stock.  (See how white I am....that's because of your present!!)

And SO much gratitude, regard, admiration and most of all LOVE for the Zammits.  Fiona you've been my rock and my reality are NOT kidding when you say these pups are yours forever.  Rob--so many times I've looked into putting us on a plane and coming to YOUR clinic.   Your patients and their owners are truly blessed!   The energy you all have to breed, show, take care of, hospitalize, televise, and entertain pets is unnerving. Daddy gets teary when he thinks about the special bond that we all have....and it's all because of ME!!!!

Love to all my fans....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I Feel Pretty! I feel Pretty!

Oh lordy, lordy......this picture of my brother in Western Australia made my day!  I keep it posted next to my water bed to show Daddy.  If he even thinks to make a comment about my muzzle being wet, a little dirt on me, or just a little smell (who me??) I just go over and bark at Dig B's picture...."THIS  could be ME Daddy!!!"

Of course, I wouldn't ever let on that I'm looks like SOOOO much fun.   But woe is me, the trials and tribulations of being a Princess!  One MUST keep up appearances....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Better NOT be a trend....

Can you believe this?  I've been asking and begging for a crown....and THIS is what I get....

So help me...if the pink booties come out, I'm back to Australia!  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just WHO do you think YOU are!?

One of my favorite things is going to our local dog park.  It's at the Humane Society....whatever that means.  Doesn't sound very humane to me because they keep all the dogs in cages there all the time. But they have this GREAT park where I can go, get muddy, fun with other dogs and bathe!

And THEN this dog tried to get in the pool with me....the nerve....Doesn't he know that WE like to spread out in our bath!   I splashed and chased him out but then we ran around again and again.....The joy of the hunt--okay we're just hunting each others' butts, but it still envigorating.  Of course, Daddy is quite nervous when I'm there because he thinks that is where my tummy problems starting.  (YUMMMMMY that water tasted oh so good!)  But I think those days are behind me now.....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I PASSED!! I PASSED!! And I Didn't Even Study!!!

Okay, wait for it....I must compose myself....Deep breath....Breathe....Sigh.  

Okay, I'm back.....Yes, Dear, Dear Subjects (I mean readers)....Your Hawaiian Princess is further supported in her acknowledged lineage as an Aussie-Hawaiian Princess.  After a grueling, and I do mean GRUELING, eye exam by an ophthalmologist, I received my certification that my eyes are A-OK.

The angst, the trouble, the blurry vision I had to put up with.....but it was worth it to attest that my eyes--as the rest of me--is PERFECT!!!  Aussie Mom had no worries but she verified it with an Australian doctor (just to be sure because one can't always believe these Yanks!)

Here I am with my certiificate with my loyal sister subject, Sophie.....

What does this mean?!  How the hell do I know..... Oh nevermind.....Daddy tells me that this is one step toward me getting preggers and having champion pups and keeping my lineage alive...

Preggers....I have NO idea what that entails but it does sound like oodles of fun....Daddy says that happens when I'm a "woman fully growed" in the famous words of Tammy.....

Okay, I hear the cottonwoods whistling above.....bettter sign off.  I'm STILL waiting for my celebratory cake but Daddy says it would be bad for my tummy....

Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Gonna Wash that Man Right Outta My Hair....

Hello MatildaFans!   I do NOT mean that I want to wash Daddy out of my hair....although I do wish that sometimes he wouldn't wash my hair so much.  Doesn't he know that grunge is IN for my people???

As I side note, I hope you know that "South Pacific" was filmed on my island sooooo my singing that song is so very appropriate and natural! It is one of our theme songs here on the island....And of course, we do love our pool!

My favorite FAVORITE thing to do is make Daddy wash me all clean, use ALL of his expensive soaps and potions......THEN just when he's ready to dry me, I escape and run ALLLLLL over the yard getting as dirty as I can immediately.  Did you know that dirt sucks up onto fur much more quickly when you're wet!?  Well I discovered that quite easily!

Naturally, I can only pull this trick about 1-2 times before "We are not amused" becomes "Daddy is pissed!"

But it is jolly good fun while it lasts and I get to prolong the joy of my pool.