Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Gonna Wash that Man Right Outta My Hair....

Hello MatildaFans!   I do NOT mean that I want to wash Daddy out of my hair....although I do wish that sometimes he wouldn't wash my hair so much.  Doesn't he know that grunge is IN for my people???

As I side note, I hope you know that "South Pacific" was filmed on my island sooooo my singing that song is so very appropriate and natural! It is one of our theme songs here on the island....And of course, we do love our pool!

My favorite FAVORITE thing to do is make Daddy wash me all clean, use ALL of his expensive soaps and potions......THEN just when he's ready to dry me, I escape and run ALLLLLL over the yard getting as dirty as I can immediately.  Did you know that dirt sucks up onto fur much more quickly when you're wet!?  Well I discovered that quite easily!

Naturally, I can only pull this trick about 1-2 times before "We are not amused" becomes "Daddy is pissed!"

But it is jolly good fun while it lasts and I get to prolong the joy of my pool.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Matilda, that does sound like excellent fun, just wait though till they take you to this special shop to wash you, just cant get dirty its all concrete and even the grass is synthetic (that means it is not real). Had to have my legs shaved again, how embarrasing, but it is sooo much better than nasty grass seeds. I live for my pool which is alway full, Mum doesn't like it that I stand in it all the time but hey it can get pretty darn hot here in the country. Mum is frantically looking for the name of the other shampoo that she uses to keep me oh so clean, Elizabeth chucked the bottle so until she goes to the horse shop next week I get to have only one shampoo. Fancy washing the horses with MY shampoo I mean really, I am related by blood no less to a Princess. These humans just don't get it sometimes. Anyway yesterday some friends of Elizabeths came and they were making fun of the way I go to the toilet, saying stuff like "Doesn't he lift his leg" what is with that? The horses (and they are both boys) don't lift their legs to pee. Odd statement. I really miss christmas but there is something called Easter coming, Elizabeth said she saw all these easter eggs in the shop and that the bunny brings them to you, I just love chocolate (the special dog stuff), I'm not allowed human chocolate. Oh by the way tell your dad that shampoo for grey horses is really good on the white bits. Gotta run Dad has just let the working dogs off so it means I'm outta here. Love to you all Dig B
