All I can say is herding is exhausting! I know it's part of my culture, but running around chasing these big animals is very hard work for a little princess such as myself. But my bra' Dig B in Western Australia kept bragging and boasting about the wonderful time so I thought "hey" I better walk the talk... I do see why it's such fun...but boy are these sheep DUMB...they kept going round and round in a circle. And the costumes! At this rate, I'll have them in line within no time...
Tales from the tail or no-tail reality of an Old English Sheepdog who l lives on the island of Kauai.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Okay, to be totally honest, this is usually my view of I may not get the whole picture.... But I think it's funny that Daddy and Papa have all these interesting thing to play and eat and taste and chew and yet they say "no" or "off" or make some obnoxious noise all the time to stop me... No to the frogs, no to the baby bird hopping in our yard OBVIOUSLY wanting to be tasted by moi, no to the chicken poop, no to the dead "I-don't-know-what-but-I-want-to-eat-its" I find all over the yard. And no to that lovely fish pond at the front of the house AND the one in the middle of our living room....That's just for starters; I won't even go into the other goodies around the house that I want to play, sniff, or chew....including, one hint..."MEOW"... Sigh....Humans seem to be hung up on "stuff" and what is okay/not okay to touch. Hmmm....
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sometimes A Long Soaking Bath is just what a Princess Needs!
And I climbed in here ALL by myself.....Relaxing, quiet....ahhhhh.....Now if I can JUST figure out how to turn the water on!
Okay....I give up....HELP DADDY!!!
Okay....I give up....HELP DADDY!!!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
I caught this HUGE rat in my yard!
What fun....this brown mouse or rat showed up in my yard and I got to catch it. I tossed it, chewed it, ran after it. And all it did was squeak, squeak, squeak. It showed up in this brown paper box today from Auntie Alice but oh's all mine. And the best part is that when I'm tired of playing with it, it just LAYS there! It must know I'm a Princess and must be obeyed!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
THIS is the type of sheep a Hawaiian Princess herds on Kauai!
I just love the smell and taste of boiled wool after I'v gnawed it for a while....AND no animal activists coming after me. This wool is from Nepal and the money from it goes to an orphanage (which helps kids I'm told). Yummmmy....
P.S. Daddy says it's from a place called
P.S. Daddy says it's from a place called
Monday, July 19, 2010
Oh, is THIS what Catnip is like???
For some strange and amazing reason, I can't get enough of this plant! I run, jump and hide in makes me feel amazing, giddy, happy, and frisky. Daddy says it must be like catnip....and my response is "HEL-LO...WHAT is that?!" But I don't care, if makes me feel like I can conquer the world....or at least I imagine I can...
And THEN Grandpa put a fish bowl right next to it....FREE's like the latest designer water. Everything tastes oh so much better in Hawaii!
And THEN Grandpa put a fish bowl right next to it....FREE's like the latest designer water. Everything tastes oh so much better in Hawaii!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Mud, rain, gardens--the stuff of life
Today we traveled for a long time in the truck--not as far as that awful plane--but far none the less. I got to sit on Eli and Sophie's lap; they always smell like food and dirt at the same time. Yum!
We went to a garden pond store up North island...very chi-chi....lots of stuff from Burma, Thailand, and oh who cares--there was MUD and puddles and it RAINED!!! I tried to catch the drops with my mouth; now that's a thankless job. I was so exhausted I slept the whole way home.
Then we got to dig and play in the garden at home--oh joy oh I'm just pooped out....
We went to a garden pond store up North island...very chi-chi....lots of stuff from Burma, Thailand, and oh who cares--there was MUD and puddles and it RAINED!!! I tried to catch the drops with my mouth; now that's a thankless job. I was so exhausted I slept the whole way home.
Then we got to dig and play in the garden at home--oh joy oh I'm just pooped out....
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Bachelorette is a commentary on U.S. Life
One of my latest discoveries is the TV! I love the moving pictures--makes me think I'm always following someone in the paddock....they move so fast! Thought the pix were just a set of meaningless images, but then I discovered "The Bachelorette"! My heart still reverberates with the warmth of that show! What a remarkable commentary on U.S. life! Daddy says its very realistic and that true love can actually be found here...
This show is about a girl looking for true love among 25 or so suitors. They are HOT for humans.... Daddy loves this show and I can see why. This process seems so genuine and real, the girl is obviously of princess stock like me (although my blonde hair is oh so much more real!)....They make it look so glamorous and easy to find a mate. Of course, in my life, I have NO clue about how a Princess like moi meets suitors. I thought we just got stuck in the pen with someone?
Last week "The Bachelorette" participants were all over the country (U.S.) and I heard they went to Europe. I hope they go to Australia--maybe the girl would like my Dr. Rob? I enjoy the places they go and oh...the food...But humans just eat way too nicely for my taste. Hey if a girl's gotta eat, just EAT. Just open your mouth and chew!
Daddy and I sit and watch the show. He comments all the time about the details and what he thinks will happen. It's a bit a blur still for me....after all I don't know what a "date" is. Silly me--I thought it was something you ate. But I love the passion, the reality, and genuine emotions coming from the people. Obviously people in my new country meet people all the time, take them on beautiful expensive dates, wear nice clothes, and then sleep together. Sounds easy to me!
I wonder if Aussie bachelorettes would like to be on this show???
This show is about a girl looking for true love among 25 or so suitors. They are HOT for humans.... Daddy loves this show and I can see why. This process seems so genuine and real, the girl is obviously of princess stock like me (although my blonde hair is oh so much more real!)....They make it look so glamorous and easy to find a mate. Of course, in my life, I have NO clue about how a Princess like moi meets suitors. I thought we just got stuck in the pen with someone?
Last week "The Bachelorette" participants were all over the country (U.S.) and I heard they went to Europe. I hope they go to Australia--maybe the girl would like my Dr. Rob? I enjoy the places they go and oh...the food...But humans just eat way too nicely for my taste. Hey if a girl's gotta eat, just EAT. Just open your mouth and chew!
Daddy and I sit and watch the show. He comments all the time about the details and what he thinks will happen. It's a bit a blur still for me....after all I don't know what a "date" is. Silly me--I thought it was something you ate. But I love the passion, the reality, and genuine emotions coming from the people. Obviously people in my new country meet people all the time, take them on beautiful expensive dates, wear nice clothes, and then sleep together. Sounds easy to me!
I wonder if Aussie bachelorettes would like to be on this show???
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
There is only ONE Pineapple Princess in MY Yard!!
Okay, yesterday I had my first "get off my land" moment! I was just wandering around doing my own "business" when all of a sudden this horrible thing appeared. I was scared and shocked. WHAT was IT doing on MY turf!? I, being the Hawaiian Princess that I am, was mor-ti-fied. It had long spikey things coming out of its head which hurt when I tried to say hi (by biting of course!). It was roundish and quite ugly. Daddy said it was a "pineapple" but okay, so what?! It still was trespassing so of course I had to attack and make sure IT knew that I was in charge here....Of course I documented in this video....
Blood is Thicker than Water...or WATER is the bond!
Hi Dig big bro! Actually, I don't know who's older but who cares!? Just heard from your Aussie Mum....sounds like you landed in a gold mine just like I did....and you even have another OES to help you learn the ropes! Does she look like our Mum? I'm posting a picture of you here so that readers can see the family resemblance!
I hear you are still playing in the water bowl like we used to do with Mummy Fiona's place!!! I love putting both my paws in the bowl and splashing and splashing....with this Hawaiian heat it feels soooo good. Daddy "LOVES" when I keep spilling my water over and over and over and over and over!! I'm always wet and happy. Thanks for teaching me that trick!
I hear you are still playing in the water bowl like we used to do with Mummy Fiona's place!!! I love putting both my paws in the bowl and splashing and splashing....with this Hawaiian heat it feels soooo good. Daddy "LOVES" when I keep spilling my water over and over and over and over and over!! I'm always wet and happy. Thanks for teaching me that trick!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Finally! Daddy got it right...
Okay, how hard is it to get "1 cup kibbles and a little water. Serve immediately" correct? I mean, seriously, Dad, there are just a few ways. But for two days I ate the puppy version of muck...I kept looking at you and trying to say "it's WRONG! It's WRONG" but oh no, there comes the muck again. I guess Daddy finally had a light bulb go on and emailed Aussie Mum and she must've set him straight because tonight, it was YUMMY!! I much better.
Jeez, these humans I guess needs LOTS of patience.....
Jeez, these humans I guess needs LOTS of patience.....
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dear Aussie Mum....
I am here on Kauai....and yes it's as gorgeous as you promised...My new family, Daddy, Papa, Sophie and Eli are even nicer than you said. And gorgeous too! (Okay, maybe Dad added that last part?) I've already picked Lychee, smelled all sorts of new things (bamboo, hibiscus, plumeria, and oh heck, I've forgetten the rest). I got my dog tag (it's blue and shiny....I know why Lady was excited in "Lady and the Tramp", saw a new vet (gentle like Dr. Rob), and played, played played....
So I'm okay...very okay....but still just a little sad. I miss my Aussie brothers and sisters, my kennel caretakers and you, Dr. Rob, and the girls....And all the noise from my friends at the's SOOO quiet here...
Thank you for your love, nurturing, and care for my first 8 weeks. I know yours were the first hands that touched me, held me, and took care of me. Daddy says without you I wouldn't be alive! You made sure I came from good stock (isn't that what they make chicken soup out of??)--whatever--Daddy says it's a good thing. I know I feel strong in side; I know I feel good.
There are only three things a Princess from Down Under really needs--food, water, and love. You provided all three until I could get to my new hulu home. How hard it must be to let me go....I know I was sad and still can see your face. I will always remember the touch and love you provided. They are imprinted on my brain.
Daddy says there are two things we give our children--roots and wings. You've provided both in a very short time. I thank you and please know that I will always be the best Old English Sheepdog in Hawaii with VERY strong Australian roots because of you.
Love and Licks....Matilda....
Home! Home at Last!!!

Kauai....home...Omao Road....All those words....Aussie Mum had talked about Hawaii, my going there and how lovely it would be....but WOOF! This place is wonderful....This picture is me sitting by my carrier after I landed in Kauai. Then I met the rest of the about stimulation....two wonderful kids--I hear they're called Sophie and Eli....they look a like but then humans tend to do that for me. Then my other dad....Papa! He held me, pet me, and okay, I'm in love....
Busy day traveling....exhausted....but of course a Princess puts on her best effort....I played with all but at the end...was exhausted!
Wow, Whoa, and Wheeee!

Oh, paw pals, I have just so much to share. I finally took my long journey on Friday from Australia to Hawaii. Let me tell you....10 hours in a plane is just WAY too long for ANYONE that breathes. And even though I had water and a little kibble, it's just not very luxurious....
When I got to Honolulu---even the name sounds exotic....I was met by a very nice Hawaiian airlines woman. She took care of me but then put me in a spot next to EVERY type of animal you can imagine. I was slightly humiliated being a princess from down under and all. But the nice people told me that I had to wait until Dad came and picked me up. Dad! My Aussie Mom, Fiona, had told me all about this trip, my new family and frankly, I was scared and excited at once. Is that possible for one such as moi?
After what seem forever, my cage (and boy was I ready to get out of THAT thing; after 10 hours even the Queen Mum's room would smell rank!) was lifted and I went through some doors and heard this voice quietly say "hi Matilda...oh look at you....Oh my goodness.....hi honey....oh you're so cute...." And I think there were wet drops in his eyes.....THIS WAS DAD!!!
Here I am in my first steps on terra firma in Hawaii.....
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Waltzing Matilda's final Aloha to Down Under!!

Hi Dad
I am leaving my Aussie home now and on my way to you.
Can't wait to meet you but I am not looking forward to the flight, you could
have paid for 1st Class!!!
Don't forget to ring my Aussie Mum as soon as you have me
P.S. I've been PROMISED at least a better upgraded seat! Do they provide a blanket at least and peanuts???
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Are microchips the latest "lite" chip???
Okay, so I had to get my microchip today....getting ready for Hawaii is what I was told. I assumed, being the lady that I am, that a microchip was a new fast food for my figure. Lo and behold--was I shocked and VERY disappointed when Dr. Rob stuck me with this thing and then I heard Fiona say "now that was easy." So why do I not feel satisfied? Somehow sticking something between my shoulder blades is NOT my idea of a snack.....
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