Saturday, July 31, 2010

We Herd 'em Big on Kauai

All I can say is herding is exhausting!  I know it's part of my culture, but running around chasing these big animals is very hard work for a little princess such as myself.  But my bra' Dig B in Western Australia kept bragging and boasting about the wonderful time so I thought "hey" I better walk the talk... I do see why it's such fun...but boy are these sheep DUMB...they kept going round and round in a  circle.  And the costumes!  At this rate, I'll have them in line within no time...


  1. My Darling Matilda
    You can't just waltz in and start sheepherding like that. The first rule is keep away from sheep with round feet, especially the rubber ones.
    Actually my love, you are looking beautiful and though I am extremely happy with your family I do have some regrets you're not here when I put out the feed bowls. I always thought you'd be gorgeous but you are shaping up to be a stunning Old English. You remind me lots of one of your great Aunts who was arguably one of the best dogs I have ever shown. We called her Angie and she was imported from England.

    Anyway, I trust you have remembered your table manners and you still say your prayers at night.
    Lots of love
    Dr. Rob
    P.S. from aussie Mum - said to tell you that the Wallabies lost to those horrible Kiwis and she is very upset. (No matter, Angie actually lived in new Zealand for most of her life.)

  2. Oh Dr. Rob...I fondly remember how happy I was when I saw the feed bowls...I mean you. Sorry--a girl must remember her manners! The other day I heard this wonderful accent and thought it was you...but it was just a friend of the twins--an artist not a vet. But it made me homesick for a little bit until I saw my Aussie flag hanging over my lanai.

    Daddy can't find any Aussie sports on the tele. Even though there are like 8 sports channels...Damn those Yankees! So thanks for the updates....

    P.S. Daddy wants to know when iTunes will download more of your radio shows....that would be fab!
