Oh, paw pals, I have just so much to share. I finally took my long journey on Friday from Australia to Hawaii. Let me tell you....10 hours in a plane is just WAY too long for ANYONE that breathes. And even though I had water and a little kibble, it's just not very luxurious....
When I got to Honolulu---even the name sounds exotic....I was met by a very nice Hawaiian airlines woman. She took care of me but then put me in a spot next to EVERY type of animal you can imagine. I was slightly humiliated being a princess from down under and all. But the nice people told me that I had to wait until Dad came and picked me up. Dad! My Aussie Mom, Fiona, had told me all about this trip, my new family and frankly, I was scared and excited at once. Is that possible for one such as moi?
After what seem forever, my cage (and boy was I ready to get out of THAT thing; after 10 hours even the Queen Mum's room would smell rank!) was lifted and I went through some doors and heard this voice quietly say "hi Matilda...oh look at you....Oh my goodness.....hi honey....oh you're so cute...." And I think there were wet drops in his eyes.....THIS WAS DAD!!!
Here I am in my first steps on terra firma in Hawaii.....
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