Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Humble Mahalo!

Today dear friends is what we call "Thanksgiving."  I know that my Aussie roots don't know this holiday although my Aussie family does celebrate.  Go Colts!!  But I've learned that it is a day that Daddy stays home, my brother and sister have no school, and there are LOTS of great smells in the house.  And everyone is saying "Thank you" a lot... get into the groove, even a Princess like moi can be thankful for lots of things in my young life.  I'm six months old now by the way and I am STILL waiting for presents (but I digress)....

I am most thankful that my Daddy found my wonderful Aussie Mom almost a year ago.  From their first cell phone call when Aussie Mom was coming back from a rowing tournament, they have remained in constant contact and I know they were together across the ocean every step of the way from my conception, birth, first 8 weeks of life (Thank you Sam for not sitting on me!), to my horrendous trip across the ocean in that noisy tin box, to finally being in Daddy's arms.  Daddy still is in contact with her almost every day.  Thanks, Aussie Mom, for telling Daddy NOT to hand feed me anymore....but I forgive you.   Seriously, what Princess could've asked for a better beginning!?

I am thankful that Aussie Mom is somehow connected to Dr. Rob (they sure seem awfully friendly???) who knows sooooooooo much about us four-legged Princesses!  What a true gift to be connected to him...what a find?!  I know I'm so healthy because Aussie Mom and Dr. Rob are in cahoots.....

I am thankful that my brother Dig B landed in an awesome home (Aussie Mom sure does pick 'em huh?) where he gets to get dirty every, single day! And run after sheep and everything!

I am thankful for my wonderful family....Daddy, Papa, Sophie and Eli treat me quite well thank you.  Some people say I am spoiled rotten---don't know if it's the three water beds, the gourmet food, the 15 different types of treats, the expensive hair dryer, or my fabulous new daytime dog suite? But I say "let them eat cake!"  I love the ocean, the breeze that blows through my house, riding in Daddy's truck, and playing, playing, playing.

But most of all I'm just thankful that I just AM....I'm allowed to be my best, play, run, lob, and just BE....I'm most humbled.  And for a Princess THAT says a lot...

And now it's my turn to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" to all my friends and fans....


  1. Well my Hawaiian Princess that is a lot to be thankful for. I think you are extremely lucky to have found your Daddy (even if he does hand feed you and gives you treats all day) and your family. I never send my beautiful babies overseas but you were special and I just knew you were going to the best home, your Daddy was perfect. So on your Thanks Giving day I say thanks to ever person that has taken my puppies and cared for them. I have made some very special friends through beautiful babies like you so I say thank you for that. Hugs from Aussie Mum

  2. Hey Matilda, Have you ever had a grass seed in your paw? Well don't get one, I had one and mum went crazy, she had all the fur between my paws cut really short when she found one that had made its way into my skin and she took me to the vet to make sure that she had it all out and they gave her this stuff to put on it and it made my eyes smart, not cool. Now she has me on the floor every night playing with my feet and I'm made to sit still (I have ticklish feet)and if Dad lets me go into the paddock I get checked as soon as I get home. Mum tells me its for my own good and now that summer is here it will be an every day event, all the green grass has gone and everything is brown and today it was 35 degrees on the verandah (I got to sleep inside most of the day in air conditioning). The bonus of summer is that I now have two big water buckets, the water trough and this new blue kiddy swimming pool that is fantastic to walk in, I can even lay down in it but it gets me banned from the house for a bit till I dry off. Tell me what kind of treats do you get, I get these lovely liver treats that come from the vets and I have this lovely liver sprinkle stuff that goes on my mince that mum makes? Your thanksgving day sounds great, I am really lucky like you my family take me everywhere and even when I don't like what I'm having done I know its done with love for me (I can always grow more fur on my feet). Stephanie, the other old english has just had her summer clip done, she looks a bit funny now but is really happy, she doesn't seem to get the grass seeds either. Mum has had a baking day today because her and Elizabeth are off to Bali on the weekend so its just me and dad for a week, its been a good day, I've got to taste shepherds pie, lasagna, sausage rolls, shortbread, anzac biscuits and homemade pies. Mum said that I couldn't have the bowl and the beaters like Elizabeth does though. Elizabeth finishes school on Wednesday and then she is going off to Bali and then she is home for about ten weeks, I can't wait (she lets me on her bed) and she will be home for about 10 weeks mums says. Anyway time to go feed the horses and other dogs with mum (dad is harvesting canola at the other farm, he should be home around 10 tonight) so mum gets to do all the jobs around home. Love to you and yours Dig B
