Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What the (*&^!!???

Please excuse my language in the above title...but WE are NOT amused!!!   Okay, I am a PRINCESS.....that has been firmly established.  I am NOT some run-of-the-mill trollop half-breed bitch from the Outback.   So WHAT is Daddy thinking?  He kept saying that Aussie Mom approved it.   So NOW I'm supposed to wear THIS appendage on my coiffure?!  Sorry, dear fans---I'm NOT buying that this is supposed to be some sort of crown....I would've been ecstatic if it was rhinestones at a minimum, diamonds preferably.  But THIS?!   Come on' Daddy...where's the love????

1 comment:

  1. g-day Matilda , my name is Reeves full name Dezignerz Mr Ree what a cool name. i live with John & Kerry ( Mum & Dad ) which are the other half of Dezignerz Kennels the show side, i know what your going though they put my hair up to which is a bummer i like to be a goofy 6mth old boy who likes to run into everything when i can't see , but theres one good thing about it i can see the cats better so look out . LOL So from what I can work out we have a different mother and father but my father is your mothers bother that makes us cousins isn't that cool. A few months a go mum and dad said they were taking me to a show I thought this will be good, maybe we were going to see May Poppins or better still Cats, but all it was was a lot of other dogs and I had to sit ton a table then go run around a big square piece of grass, they called it a ring, but the cool thing is as I run around all the attention is on ME, thats just great. Well got to go now as it is time for mummy and daddy to go and put up the Christmas thingies,and I get to run up and down and bark and play with the other dogs in the kennels, and make lots of noise which dries the humans crazy, but I have fun. BTW my mum follows the Patriots an my dad follows the Phillie Eagles, and with daddy Rob following the Colts I get all mixed up.
