Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just WHO do you think YOU are!?

One of my favorite things is going to our local dog park.  It's at the Humane Society....whatever that means.  Doesn't sound very humane to me because they keep all the dogs in cages there all the time. But they have this GREAT park where I can go, get muddy, fun with other dogs and bathe!

And THEN this dog tried to get in the pool with me....the nerve....Doesn't he know that WE like to spread out in our bath!   I splashed and chased him out but then we ran around again and again.....The joy of the hunt--okay we're just hunting each others' butts, but it still envigorating.  Of course, Daddy is quite nervous when I'm there because he thinks that is where my tummy problems starting.  (YUMMMMMY that water tasted oh so good!)  But I think those days are behind me now.....