Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to all my fans from upcountry, down under, across the pond, on the mainland, in my ohana, etc. etc. etc.  Here I am doing one of my most important royal duties...guarding this tree.  Don't know why--but my humans keep saying "don't touch; watch out! Be careful" anytime any of us get near this tree.  So moi with my acute powers of deduction know that it MUST be valuable.  

And for those of you skeptical....YES, dammit!  I can see the tree!!!!

I do know there are many things on this tree that are shining--yes even I can actually see them!  But alas they do NOT taste good.  (I've tried but don't tell--shhhh).  

Then I keep hearing about a 'Santa Claws" coming .....  Are they sure they don't mean Santa Paws??  I do not want something coming that in any shape or form resembles a pussy!   

Be good dear fans and enjoy the holidays....